i really like this great work it allow us to test our SLAM algorithm wihtout any additional effort of collecting data, i want to test my FastSlam algorithm 1.0 using biccoca 2009 25b, but i am finding some doubt using the sonar belt dataset, in my SLAM algorithm i need range and bearing of the landmark , and the dataset only contain the range, how could i find the bearing of the landmark ?
Hi Abouzahir; you can find precise information about the sonar transceivers (including their locations on the robot frame) within the dataset. Further information can be obtained from the Deliverables of project Rawseeds, that you can find in the "Documents" section of this website.
I really cant finde those information about the tranciever i have been lost can you show me the link please
and i have another question
how i can know how many feature (corner) had been observed in a timestamp ? since the biccoca corner do not have the timestamp , on the ather hand the syncronisation between the ground truth and the corners observed