Data visualizations
Ready-made data visualizations are availableMarch 23, 2011
Important note: the BitTorrent distribution system is not operational anymore. A new dataset distribution system is available. Using the Rawseeds Data Visualization Toolkit you can create visualizations of the video data included in Rawseeds’ datasets. Such visualizations are now directly available as BitTorrent downloads from the pages of the relevant datasets.
Rawseeds Data Visualization ToolkitDecember 2, 2010
A new tool has been added to Rawseeds’ datasets: the Data Visualization Toolkit, provided by University of Zaragoza. It includes Matlab scripts for the visualization of single or multiple sensor streams. You can find the Data Visualization Toolkit among the files associated to any of the datasets. Each dataset also includes the videos generated by […]
Visualizations by Andrea CensiSeptember 27, 2010
Andrea Censi (Caltech) produced some visualizations of Rawseeds data. You can find them here: Sick LRF + omnidirectional camera omnidirectional camera + frontal camera + SVS top camera