Robocom robot

Robocom robot

Robocom robot

Robocom is the robot platform used for Rawseeds’ data-gathering activities. It is a differential drive platform, fitted with three PCBricks used both for robot control and for data acquisition.

Robocom is suitable for indoor and (light) outdoor activity. It is an autonomous robot (though for Rawseeds it has been used in teleoperated mode), jointly developed by POLIMI and UNIMIB. The image above shows it fitted with (most of) Rawseeds’ sensors.
The main advantages of Robocom are:

  • small footprint;
  • high payload (>60kg);
  • good maneuverability and smooth motion;
  • easy mounting and unmounting of additional hardware, due to the use of modular aluminum profiles for the frame;
  • remote control for safety stop (this is necessary to operate the robot remotely in the presence of people);
  • complete knowledge about its internals (we built it!);
  • standard kinematics, i.e. differential drive;
  • readily available odometry;
  • capability for outdoor operation, in addition to indoor (this is useful for “mixed” environments).

By clicking here you can download the user manual of Robocom, complete with a comprehensive technical description of the platform.