
Deliverable D4.1: Benchmark Problems

The Benchmark Problems are the key elements of the Rawseeds Benchmarking Toolkit. Deliverable D4.1 is an in-depth description of Rawseeds’ BPs, including the associated metrics for the evaluation of the output of the Benchmark Solutions. You can download D4.1 by clicking here.

Deliverable D3.2: Final Data Certification

Rawseeds is committed to producing datasets of the highest quality. Therefore, the project defined a WorkPackage (WP3) specifically dedicated to data validation. When the results of such activity were unsatisfactory, we proceeded to perform corrective actions… or even to repeat the data collection. Deliverable D3.2 is the final document of WP3, stating that the required […]

Deliverable D2.1: Raw Data (indoor)

This is the second Deliverable including sensor data (yes, the second: Deliverable D2.2 actually was due – and delivered – before D2.1). It is composed of two elements: datasets gathered during robot explorations of indoor environments (including the associated calibration data and ground truth); an accompanying document describing the experimental setup and the characteristics of […]

International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2008 (2 papers)

At the ICRA 2008 conference we brought this paper and this paper. Complete data of the papers are given below: G. Grisetti, D. Lordi Rizzini, C. Stachniss, E. Olson, W. Burgard, “Online Constraint Network Optimization for Efficient Maximum Likelihood Map Learning”. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2008 (ICRA 2008). C. […]

British Machine Vision Conference 2008

At the BMVC 2008 conference, we brought this paper. Complete data of the paper are given below: D. Marzorati, M. Matteucci, D. Migliore, D.G. Sorrenti. “Monocular SLAM with Inverse Scaling Parametrization”. In Proceedings of 2008 British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2008), Ed. M. Everingham, C.J. Needham, R. Frile, pag. 945-954, ISBN 978-1-901725-36-0, 2008.

International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems 2008

At the IAS-10 conference, we brought this paper. Complete data of the paper are given below: D. Migliore, R. Blatt, M. Matteucci, S. Ceriani, G. Fontana, B. Dal Seno. Brain Control of a Smart Wheelchair, In Proceedings of Intelligent Autonomous Systems 10 (IAS-10), pag 221-228, ISBN 978-1-58603-887-8, 2008

International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications 2008

At the VISAPP 2008 conference, we brought this paper. Complete data of the paper are given below: D. Marzorati, M. Matteucci, D. Migliore, D.G. Sorrenti. “Data Fusion by Uncertain Projective Geometry in 6DoF Visual SLAM”, in Proceedings of VISAPP International Workshop on Robotic Perception, pp. 3-12, 2008.

International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications 2008

At the VISAPP 2008 conference, we brought this paper. Complete data of the paper are given below: D. Marzorati, M. Matteucci, D. Migliore, D.G. Sorrenti. “Data Fusion by Uncertain Projective Geometry in 6DoF Visual SLAM”, in Proceedings of VISAPP International Workshop on Robotic Perception, pp. 3-12, 2008.

IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Volume 24(5), 2008 (5 papers)

In volume 24, issue 5 of IEEE TRO (2008), five papers from the team of the Rawseeds Project were present. Here are the details: Bastian Steder, Giorgio Grisetti, Cyrill Stachniss, and Wolfram Burgard. Visual SLAM for Flying Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Volume 24(5), pages 1088-1093, October 2008 Javier Civera, Andrew J. Davison, J. M. […]

Robotics: Science and Systems conference 2008

At the RSS’08 conference, we brought this paper. Complete data of the paper are given below: Cyrill Stachniss, Christian Plagemann, Achim Lilienthal, and Wolfram Burgard Gas Distribution Modeling Using Sparse Gaussian Process Mixture Models In Proceedings of the 2008 “Robotics: Science and Systems” Conference, Zurich, Switzerland. 2008.

International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems 2008

At the IROS 2008 conference we presented this paper. Complete data of the paper are given below: Henrik Kretzschmar, Cyrill Stachniss, Christian Plagemann, and Wolfram Burgard Estimating Landmark Locations from Geo-Referenced Photographs. In Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2008.

IROS 2008 workshop on good experimental methodologies, Nice, September, 2008 (paper + presentation)

At the Workshop on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking for Intelligent Robots and Systems held on 26 September, 2008 in Nice (France) within the IROS 2008 conference, we brought this paper and gave this presentation.

RSS 2008 workshop on experimental methodology and benchmarking in robotics research (paper + presentation)

At the Workshop on Experimental Methodology and Benchmarking in Robotics Research held within the RSS’08 conference, we brought this paper and gave this presentation. Complete data of the paper are given below: G. Fontana, M. Matteucci and D. G. Sorrenti, The RAWSEEDS Proposal for Representation-Independent Benchmarking of SLAM, RSS’08 Workshop on Experimental Methodology and Benchmarking […]

Euron workshop on good experimental methodologies, Prague, March 2008

At the Workshop on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking for Intelligent Robots and Systems held on March 25 and 26, 2008 in Prague (Czech Republic) just before the EUROS 2008 conference, we gave this presentation.

Deliverable D3.1: Preliminary Data Certification

The Rawseeds project includes an exacting validation phase to ensure the high quality of its Benchmarking Toolkit. This work is performed by testing and evaluating the datasets included into the Toolkit before they are accepted for such inclusion. This Deliverable shows the results of the validation work performed on some preliminary datasets, generated to test […]

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